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Equity Financing Advisory A financial advisory is only as good as its network. Thanks to twenty years’ experience in the equity market and participating in nearly $200 million in transactions, we have a well-established network of investment banking contacts. While Judson & Cie is an advisory and not an investment dealer, it nonetheless has direct relationships with private equity funds and institutional investors. These relationships are in Canada, the United States and Europe.

Debt Financing Advisory In Canada, Judson & Cie has excellent contacts with senior lenders, credit unions and private lenders. We advise on asset-based loans and mezzanine loans. Since we are consultants, we have the liberty to be able to match your requirements with the best source of capital.

On your behalf we can:

Judson & Cie offers a one-stop shop to finance the growth of your business. We can assist you with raising equity and debt financing through an IPO, RTO or private transaction in Canada. We can also assist you with your setting up day-to-day banking business here. Our multi-disciplinary consultancy enables you to deal with one consultancy and not three.

The significant expertise offered by Judson & Cie is derived from its having participated on all sides of numerous going-public transactions. Our principals personally have been the founders of companies that initiated and managed IPOs and RTOs. We have also acted as advisors on private and public financing, mergers and acquisitions and reverse takeovers.

• Engage Canadian counsel. • Arrange for equity or debt financing either with investment banking sponsorship or without. • Arrange a merger (reverse-transaction offering) with a listed entity. • Help set-up day-to-day banking facility. • Manage the aftermarket of your public offering.

These are highly challenging transactions requiring a broad skill set consisting of entrepreneurial/business talent, financial expertise and legal knowledge. Much of what is required to successfully complete a financial and business transaction of this nature is an ability to manage the lawyers on both sides of the transaction and the expectations of each party. This requires massive amounts of deal-making skill and people-management skills.

With thirty years of experience of experience in the Canadian capital markets, we know all of the key players required to complete your transaction. We also control one TSX-V shell-company ( and have a board seat on another that is amenable to an RTO.